Thursday, April 15, 2010


I've recently discovered this website: and i find it completely amazing. They have really cool recipes and include the nutrition table for them, which permits you to search for recipes according to their intake (high in fiber, low in calories, high in iron, etc). It's pretty fascinating. And they also offer a weekly meal planner. I discovered the website a couple of weeks back when i decided to start making meal plans in order to promote grocery shopping and cooking. I like cooking. But I never knew what to do, so I never really grocery shopped and everynight i would pick out the ingredients for tonight's dinner, which is not only a waste of time but doesn't promote big time cooking. So now I make a meal plan and a grocery list.

I usually only plan 4 meals, knowing that during the week-end things always show up and you go out and there's plenty of leftovers. So far it works. I've been discovering recipes which just makes me more excited to cook. i've also been really good about cleaning my dishes since knowing that I'm going to have to cook the next day, i like to have a clean kitchen. Anyhoodles, so far it's successful! My boyfriend seems to enjoy it too! ;)

Next step: baking!

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