Friday, July 15, 2011

New Beginnings

I haven't written in a really long time and I apologize. It seems a lot of things dramatically changed in my life recently and instead of capturing them here, I took some time for myself and figured some things out.

But i'm back and hopefully with a force! ;)

I'm currently unemployed, an unfortunate event that is also a blessing in disguised. It permitted me to refocus my attention on what I wanted to accomplish in life and figure out who I wanted to be. I want to work for a non-profit organization, preferably in the fundraising sector. So i'm currently applying to a lot of places and volunteering at different organization to gain experience and therefore become more employable. Changing careers isn't easy. I feel like i'm trying to penetrate a very tight circle and it's an uphill battle.

Besides that i've moved into my very own apartment. After having roomates for 4 years, it was time for me to have my own space, my own safe haven. It's been a lot of work, packing, moving, unpacking, renovating, organizing etc. But it's also very rewarding. I have to paint my walls soon and i'm excited to pick colors and make it all mine.

I will leave you now with one of my favourite quote and a promise to write more often!

Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi

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