Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I've been doing a lot of quotes lately, and not really writing. It's been quite busy.

I actually got a job which would qualify as my dream job, outside of acting. I got to do public relations and marketing for a theatre company. I'm greatly grateful that I had this opportunity to be a part of something I believe in. That I got to contribute to thousands of people enjoying Shakespeare, for free, in a park.

Theatre should be more accessible. It’s not normal that people have to pay more money to go see Shakespeare in a small theatre, produced by a small independent production, than it is for them to go see a crappy blockbuster at ScotiaBank Theatre. A blockbuster that cost millions of dollars to make and which will make millions of dollars back. Theatre companies are not ripping off the public, trust me, I know. They are barely making money, when they do make money at all. But this is the world we live in; a crazy, crazy world, where crappy, drowned entertainment is cheaper than live and exciting performances. Where a trio at MacDonalds is cheaper than broccoli. No wonder the arts are dying.

I wish theatre was like the movies. You could just go to one place and look around at the posters, and pick the representation you wish to see that fits your schedule. “Yeah, let’s go see Hamlet at 7h30 since we clearly missed All My Sons at 7h05”. Then people would walk into these rooms and be witness to live and amazing theatre instead of mass produced, overly glossed, cheap entertainment. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love movies. But I don’t understand why it’s such a standard to go see a movie, and not to go see a play. They are both extraordinary medium, and they both deserve an audience.

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