Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reality Check

I get so tired of standing up on my own. I mean, I take pride in being independant. But it's so freaking exhausting.Unlike what movies tell you, carrying the world on your shoulders is not romantic or beautiful, it's exhausting. Sometimes, i just wish someone would offer to pick up the slack, without me even having to ask.
Because the thing is, when I do ask, I often get turned down. What kind of society have we come to, that friends turn down friends for help. Since when is this acceptable? Do I have bad friends, or am I just living in a selfish, self-centered society that made it acceptable for people to focus on their own needs vs helping others.
It makes me isolate myself even more. Why bother? Why even bother reaching out if you're going to get turned down? See, in movies, when the 'carry the weight of the world of their shoulder' character goes to a dark place, their journey is generally realizing that it's okay to ask for help. But they never talk about what happens when you do bother asking, and nothing happens.
Why can't I be the tortured female lead that makes the male romantic interest want to hold and protect her. And why do I keep comparing my life to movies? This is seriously fucked....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Busy Weekend

I have plans everyday this weekend. Which is exciting! Being busy is good!

Tonight i'm going to Mash Up at Shift Space, tomorow I have a birthday party for a friend and sunday I have a dinner plan with an old friend I don't see often enough!

I also made lots of food yesterday so my fridge is stocked and my heart is light.

If only my kitty could get over her cold..she makes me sad. Sleeping and sneezing all the time :(

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sarah McLaclan

Nobody can make me cry like this woman!

Hold on, hold on to yourself
This is gonna hurt like hell

You know that only time will tell
What is it in me that refuses to believe

This isn't easier than the real thing
My love, you know that you are my best friend

Am I in heaven or am I in Hell
At the crossroad I'm standing
So now you're sleeping peaceful
I lie awake and pray

Hold on, hold on to yourself
This is gonna hurt like hell

Snow Day

We have snow today!!

I, of course, stayed inside in my PJs. That is the joy of unemployement! i'm still waiting to hear about the play I auditionned for last week, and I have a meeting tomorow. So, it's not all bad! (Except for the part where I'm still spending days in my pyjamas)

I finally braved the cold and put on my hat and boots to go to IGA. I'm gonna treat myself to a nice spaguetti dinner with ciabatta and wine.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Speed of Sound

Where to, where do I go?
If you never try, then you'll never know.
How long do I have to climb,
Up on the side of this mountain of mine?