Sunday, September 4, 2011

Healthy Omelette

Since I have a lot of time on my hands, I started cooking breakfast. 'Cause see, I used to eat simple things like cheese on toast or oatmeal which I would prepare at the office. I haven't made breakfast at home in forever. If I made breakfast during the week-end I would usually indulge in crêpes.

So now I need to cook breakfast and it needs to be healthy. 'cause if I'm going to be unemployed, I'm at least going to be healthy!

So this is my recipe for a quick and delicious omelette:

2 x eggs white
1 x eggs with yolk
a pinch of onion powder
a pinch of dried thyme
salt and pepper
drips of tabasco sauce (optional)
a handful of baby spinach
a handful of slices mushrooms
grated old cheddar

Spray a small frying pan with cooking spray and sauted the mushrooms on medium heat. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, spinach and spices together. Put the mushroom aside and pour the egg mixture in the same pan. Cook about 2-3 minutes on each side, then place the mushrooms and cheese on one half, folding the other on top. Reduce the temperature and, to make the cheese melt faster, place a pot cover over the pan. This will help melting your cheese while making sure you aren't overcooking the omelette side still touching the pan. Served with a piece of whole wheat bread buttered with Earth Balance. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Day in California

This is what I long for:

A Day in California from Ryan Killackey on Vimeo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Living Alone

I've recently moved into my first ME apartement. I've had plenty of roomates, and as much as I loved them, I was in dire need of my very own space.

Things I love about living alone:
  • Everything in the fridge is yours. No more looking at something yummy and being unable to eat it!
  • No one is ever using the bathroom when you gotta go
  • If you feel like staying in your pyjamas all day, no one notices!
  • The only boyfriend around is yours
  • Walking around naked is now an option
  • All the closet space is yours to envade
  • If it's dirty; you dirtied it
  • Major control over the TV remote
I wish i could also add that all the mail is yours, but unfortunatetly, I seem to be getting mail for the past 3 tenants...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sandwich Heaven

There was a time where I couldn't even look at sandwiches anymore. When you are young and you go to school, you eat sandwiches a lot. Then after highschool, I decided sandwiches weren't my thing anymore. I started eating sandwiches again in my last year of college. I was broke and living in a downtown apartement with 3 other student working part-time in a café. Sandwiches were the perfect economical option. Then I got a job and ate hot lunches.

I've recently restarted eating sandwiches (mostly because I'm dead broke again! ha!) but I think I got the science down to an art now. My sandwiches are heavenly!

Sandwich Heaven recipe:
1 olive ciabatta bread
Creamy Old Style Dijon Mustard (I've also used French White Wine Dijon Mustard!)
4 slices of tofurkey (now available at your local grocery store, look for them in the healthy/vegetarian section)
2 slices of dill pickes
a handful of black olives
a handful of baby spinach
a thin slice of old cheddar cheese.