Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Habits

Recently, I've been reminiscing about the fact that there are so many things that are new in my life. If I would have told myself at 18 if I would be who I am now, I never would have believed it. And I don't mean this in a bad way. But I've gained interest in things I wasn't interested in before. I've realized recently how many side activities I do. I'm interested in so many things I don't have enough time to fulfill all my wishes. Some of the things I've gain interest in recently:
  • Fitness: I've always been a really really lazy girl. I'm not the sporty type. I don't like sweating and risking getting myself hurt. However, I've always loved the outdoors so I used to do crazy things like white river rafting. But until recently, I had never been to the gym. And until even more recently, I had never played a team sport. I now go to the YMCA about twice a week and I am in a ball hockey league with my work. It's kinda crazy to me that I play hockey. It's such a weird concept...
  • Nutrition: And my regained interest in fitness brought another one for healthy lifestyle, including being more aware of what I eat. I've always enjoyed good food, however I would also eat poutine and cheeseburger on a regular basis. I always considered that since I was naturally slim, I could afford it. But now that I exercie regularly, which makes me feel good, i feel like eating a cheeseburger with fries just totally cancels it out. And I'm not just talking about weight. Because even if I'd like to lose another 5 pounds, i'm not really in any need to lose weight. i'm talking about feeling good and looking a bit more fit and muscular. I joined and learned a bit more about what I ate that pushes me over the edge of my daily calories. It helped me out a lot to see where and when I ate badly. Now I don't even crave poutine as much. I'll still eat it, 'cause I believe in not depriving yourself of any pleasure but I crave way less fried food than before!
  • Dogs: Kinda sounds weird but I've always been a cat person. I've owned cats and think they are lovely creatures. Big dogs scare me. They get all excited and run towards you, barking and jump on you and I pee my pants. I remember when me and Cait went to pick up Charlotte (our lovely kitten) she house where she was staying owned 4 dogs. 4. I got out of the car, gasp and hid. The owner was nice enough to put them in the backyard. However, now I feel like a dummy because working at the SPCA lead me to love dogs more and more. To the point where I really want one one. A small one of course, because big dogs still are kinda scary. But yeah, this is a new found love which I will have to fulfill one day!
  • Fashion: I used to be jean, t-shirt, sneakers and ponytail girl. I've gained interested in not only fashion, but beauty and trends. I now love makeup more. I now love shoes more. I still can't wear really high heels even though I think they are gorgeous, but I refuse to be 6'3 with 5 inches heels. A girl has got to have limits. I'm too tall for gorgeous shoes. However, I've gained interest in the last couple of years in clothes and purses and necklaces. I still have a pretty easy going style; however I do put more effort into looking easy going! ;)
I think these are the main things that changed about me in the last couple of years! It's kind of interesting to look back and see how you grew. I mean, there's obviously a lot more things about me that has changed, my personality and my outlook on life. However, these are activities that I now do I never thought I would bother with when I was in high school. I remember rolling my eyes are people talking about hockey...and now I play it!

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